Você já ouviu a expressão "American Dream"? Tudo isso começou lá atrás, quando os Estados Unidos ainda eram colônia da Inglaterra. Quando eles declararam sua independência, os fundadores colocaram na Declaração do país a seguinte frase: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” (na tradução fica: Consideramos estas verdades como auto-evidentes, que todos os homens são criados iguais, que são dotados pelo Criador de certos direitos inalienáveis, que entre estes são vida, liberdade e busca da felicidade).Sendo assim, todos os homens podem ter acesso a tudo. James Adams, um dos fundadores dos Estados Unidos, afirma: “a vida deveria ser melhor e mais rica e mais completa para todos, com oportunidades para todos, baseado em suas habilidades ou conquistas, independente de sua classe social ou circunstâncias do nascimento.”
Por isso, está enraizado na cultura do país que, se você se esforçar, você poderá sair de uma extrema pobreza para a extrema riqueza. Existem muitos filmes, documentários, músicas, séries, etc., que retratam bem o que quero dizer.
Você já ouviu falar do filme The Great Gastby? Também é um livro extremamente famoso e é uma crítica a este padrão de vida.
É por isso que muitos ainda vão aos Estados Unidos em busca de uma vida melhor. Acredito que não faz parte apenas do imaginário americano, mas sim de todos ao redor do mundo.
Assista ao clip da música American Dream, da banda Casting Crowns e depois complete a letra com as palavras que foram retiradas, do Word Bank. Não se esqueça de utilizar os 5 princípios da postagem anterior (5 Princípios Para Aprender Inglês com Música).
Word Bank
American Dream - Casting Crowns
All work no play may have made Jack a dull boy
But all work no God has left Jack with a lost __________
But he’s moving on full steam
He’s chasing the American dream
And he’s gonna give his family the finer things
Not this time son I’ve no time to waste
Maybe tomorrow we’ll have time to play
And then he slips into his new ____________
And drives farther and farther and farther away
Cause he works all day and tries to sleep at night
He says things will get better;
Better in time
So he works and he builds with his own two hands
And he pours all he has in a ___________ made with sand
But the wind and the rain are comin’ crashing in
Time will tell just how long his kingdom stands
His kingdom stands
His American Dream is beginning to seem
More and more like a ______________
With every passing day
“Daddy, can you come to my game?”
“Oh Baby, please don’t work late.”
Another wasted ______________
And they are slipping away
‘Cause he works all day and lies awake at night
He tells them things will get better
It’ll just take a little more time
So he works and he builds with his own two hands
And he pours all he has in a castle made with sand
But the ___________ and the rain are comin’ crashing in
Time will tell just how long his kingdom stands
His kingdom stands
He used to say, “Whoever dies with the most toys wins”
But if he loses his soul, what has he gained in the end?
I’ll take a _________ on the rock
Over a castle in the sand
Now he works all day and cries alone at night
It’s not getting any better
Looks like he’s running out of __________
‘Cause he worked and he built with his own two hands
And he poured all he had in a castle made with sand
But the wind and the rain are coming crashing in
Time will tell just how long his kingdom stands
His kingdom stands
All they really wanted was You (3 x )
But all work no God has left Jack with a lost __________
But he’s moving on full steam
He’s chasing the American dream
And he’s gonna give his family the finer things
Not this time son I’ve no time to waste
Maybe tomorrow we’ll have time to play
And then he slips into his new ____________
And drives farther and farther and farther away
Cause he works all day and tries to sleep at night
He says things will get better;
Better in time
So he works and he builds with his own two hands
And he pours all he has in a ___________ made with sand
But the wind and the rain are comin’ crashing in
Time will tell just how long his kingdom stands
His kingdom stands
His American Dream is beginning to seem
More and more like a ______________
With every passing day
“Daddy, can you come to my game?”
“Oh Baby, please don’t work late.”
Another wasted ______________
And they are slipping away
‘Cause he works all day and lies awake at night
He tells them things will get better
It’ll just take a little more time
So he works and he builds with his own two hands
And he pours all he has in a castle made with sand
But the ___________ and the rain are comin’ crashing in
Time will tell just how long his kingdom stands
His kingdom stands
He used to say, “Whoever dies with the most toys wins”
But if he loses his soul, what has he gained in the end?
I’ll take a _________ on the rock
Over a castle in the sand
Now he works all day and cries alone at night
It’s not getting any better
Looks like he’s running out of __________
‘Cause he worked and he built with his own two hands
And he poured all he had in a castle made with sand
But the wind and the rain are coming crashing in
Time will tell just how long his kingdom stands
His kingdom stands
All they really wanted was You (3 x )
Oi professora aqui é a Júlia do 7 c queria saber oq é pra fazer com as atividades é pra mandar foto ou outra coisa?
ResponderExcluirOi Júlia, não precisa me enviar não, pode fazer no caderno de Inglês mesmo que depois eu dou o visto para você. As dúvidas você pode mandar aqui nos comentários mesmo, tá. Beijos!
ExcluirOk obrigada
ExcluirHello teacher Camilla...Good afternoon...gostaria de saber se é preciso copiar o texto da explicação.. Ana 7c
ResponderExcluirHello, Ana! Não precisa copiar o texto, somente a atividade da letra da música...beijos.
ExcluirProfessora sou a Júlia do 7c era pra copiar a letra da música toda porque eu copiei só o trecho onde era pra colocar as palavras
ResponderExcluirOi Júlia! Tudo bem? Nesta atividade, você deve copiar toda a letra da música. Aproveite para explorar e aprender palavras novas. Abraços : )
ExcluirThanks teacher✌️😗
ResponderExcluirYou're welcome! 😘
Excluirteacher no ultimo paragrafo do texto q tem 3x e para copiar ele 3 vezes
ResponderExcluire eu michael
ResponderExcluirHello! Não precisa copiar 3 vezes, somente uma mesmo, do jeito que está no texto. Abraços! : )
ResponderExcluirthank you teachr
ResponderExcluirYou're welcome!